copyright 2010, Maria Liberati/art of living,PrimaMedia,Inc Have you ever thought of substituting melon for tomatoes in your pasta dish? Try this refreshing, cool, summertime pasta dish.Hope you can get…
copyright 2010, Maria Liberati/art of living, PrimaMedia,inc Last month while in a supermarket in Italy, I was approached by an Italian girl in her twenties.. after staring at the rice…
copyright 2010 Maria Liberati/ art of living,PrimaMedia,Inc. As temperatures hover over 100 in most of the USA a cold dish of pasta is a perfect way to have A cool…
copyright 2010, Maria Liberati, Art of Living,PrimaMedia,Inc To express my love for cooking, nothing is more appropriate than an Italian word-Cucinami (made up of the words for kitchen-cucina- and Love-Ami)…
"No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention". ~Christopher Morley copyright 2010, art of living,PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati Cold warm the heart for a summer evening meal or…
“Watermelon, it’s good fruit, you eat, you drink, you wash your face.” Enrico Caruso copyright, 2010, Maria Liberati The most prominent, celebrated fruit of the summer in Italy; watermelon…
copyright 2010 art of living,PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati “We do not remember days, we remember moments” once said Cesare Pavese-Italian author/novelist… so create a special moment for Father’s Day..a meal ..a brunch …
copyright 2010, Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati Summer has just begun, but here in Italy it means the sunniest and hottest days of the year are soon to come. A…
Don’t know about you but lately on my trips to the local farm markets I become hypnotized with the beauty of the vibrant colors and the fragrance of the fruits…
copyright 2010, Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati It was the beginning of summer, much like today, the warm summer sun ‘kissing’ the mountains of Abruzzo and an invite to go…
copyright 2010, art of living, PrimaMedia, Inc/Maria Liberati They say that the guitar is a romantic instrument, this could not be truer than in Abruzzo where every kitchen has one,…
The summer gives meaning to eating ‘al fresco’, a true reason for eating ‘al aperto’. Mornings, I find myself lingering longer with my morning cappuccino outside on the terrace, waiting…
copyright 2010, art of living,PrimaMedia,Inc/ Maria Liberati What could be more appropriate than Food and the answer to Sex and the City 2 (the newly released film) how to…
copyright, 2010, art of living ,PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati Nothing better than fresh pasta…the taste or maybe the memories of (making fresh pasta in Le Abruzzo) how could…
copyright, 2010 Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc. Maria Liberati My favorite recipes combine ‘healthy with delicious’ and I am always in search of ingredients to help me in this ‘mission’ artisan…
If you really want to treat Mom this weekend, the simple, elegant and back to basics, the perfect gift; a box of chocolates with at least 65% cocoa content are…
Cinco De Mayo (as any occasion) can be celebrated in any language, and any country, celebrate yours by turning everyday foods into extraordinary foods. With food as my main inspiration…
Is it just me? or does it really make sense when someone says “ I don’t know how to cook anything” that possible? Every day you must eat, speak, walk…
Felicia Mcclinton from is a guest author today for a recipe that includes ingredients used in the Mediterranean Diet with the benefits of the healthy Mediterranean diet, delicious tasting……
copyright 2010, Maria Liberati “Life is a combination of magic and pasta” a saying of the late film director Federico Fellini, and it is so true… Fellini was from Rimini…
copyright 2009-2010, Art of Living, PrimaMedia, Inc Olive oil, one of the elixirs of life, and if it is an elixir of life you want to use only the best…
copyright 2010, Maria Liberati Apologies for not getting this out sooner, but I think that you still have time to make this for your Easter dinner. I have been scouring…
copyright 2010 Maria Liberati I love Holidays ..especially Spring's like we are waking up after this long winter nap and all of a sudden..Bam!! there they are the shining rays…
Editor: Laura D'Alonzo copyright 2010, art of living, PrimaMedia,Inc See the Fiorano vineyard here (click the link below): DSCN1059 Upon hearing “Pecorino,” you may immediately think of an Italian staple-…
Hypnotized or somewhat like Pavlov's dogs, embarrassingly, I am always making bowls of Macedonia (an Italian-style fresh fruit salad) for an after lunch and dinner dessert.... I didn't realize how…
Each region and city in Italy has their own flavors and tastes to discover, and on a recent trip there I had a flavorful experience discovering the tastes that give…
Copyright 2010, Maria Liberati Godere -the verb that can be translated to 'intensely enjoy with pleasure'... but it means more than that...we don't have one word in English to express…
Copyright, 2010, Maria Liberati "A torta (cake) made with love always bakes perfect and delicious!”...that was the conversation at a dinner we hosted. An acquaintance of ours recounted how she…
Copyright 2010, Maria Liberati New Year's Day always means a day of relaxing around the kitchen of our 'piccolo villa' here in the mountains of Abruzzo with family and friends that…
I want to wish you all and your families the Happiest and Healthiest New Year in 2022! Thank you all so much for joining me and helping me to make The Basic Art of Italian Cooking and The Maria Liberati Show a success! I can’t wait to share my next book (The Basic Art of Italian Cooking Diaries: Seasons) with you, it will release in late Spring/early Summer.