Cooking and baking are great ways to express love and care through food as well as to nourish and feed you and your family. If you love food, and enjoy cooking and baking, then you know the importance of food and having good, delicious, healthy, natural food available at all times. But fresh food can go bad often and quickly, which can make it difficult to always have good food available. Here are a few tips and ideas to help you start putting together a food storage so that you can have quality, good food at any time.
Stock Up on Staples
The first thing that you need to do when you are putting together a food storage at your home is to stock up on food staples. These shelf stable staples are items that you can buy in bulk that will provide a lot of use. Things like bags of rice, oats, pastas, canned beans, along with baking and cooking essentials like flour, salt, sugar are great options to have. These basics will allow you to make meal bases and have healthy carb sources for meals and snacks. These foods are great to have in storage for emergencies, or just for day-to-day cooking and meal planning. Having these staples means you will always have something to work from when putting together meals.
Preserve Food
Another great way to start putting together a food storage for you and your family is to preserve foods yourself for long term food storage. While you won’t be able to store fresh fruits and veggies for long before they go bad, you can preserve them in a few different ways so that they last. Perhaps the best way is to use a dehydrator; a dehydrator can help you preserve foods by removing the moisture. The moisture in foods is a major contributing factor to their shelf life, which is why dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and other foods can last longer than non-preserved foods.
Buy in Bulk
The final tip that will help you to start putting together a food storage is to buy in bulk for your food storage. There are some staples that are just easier to buy rather than make yourself, but by purchasing in bulk you can save tons of money and build up a stockpile. After all, a food storage is supposed to be storage, you should have a good amount in there, so you are never going to run out of anything in your storage.
Putting together a food storage can be a great way to ensure that your family always has access to delicious and healthy food. And putting one together can be really easy. Consider these three ways that you can start building a food storage for your family and start working on it today.
Check out this article on special considerations to keep in mind while cooking for kids!
For more tips listen to The Maria Liberati Show

Foodie, traveler, and art enthusiast? Immerse yourself in “The Maria Liberati Show,” where Gourmand World award-winning author/ chef Maria Liberati explores the world through the lens of food, culture, and art.
Join Maria as she engages fascinating guests in lively conversations about:**
Culinary experiences and traditions from around the globe.
The connections between food, wine, art, and literature.
The unique stories and inspirations behind people’s food journeys.
What food means to them personally and culturally. Learn how food connects us all!
Cookbook Author Cathy Katin-Grazzini joins Maria to discuss sustainable eating!
Enter, ”The Maria Liberati Show,” based on her travels, as well as her Gourmand World Award-winning book series, ”The Basic Art of Italian Cooking,” and ”The Basic Art of…” Find out more on
music: ”First Day of Spring” by David Hilowitz – available via Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

great idea
Thank you!
SO delicious!