Reliving Memories of a colorful Carnevale in Venice from Mozart in this Letter to his wife who was in Salzburg, at date of this letter
from Venice Feb 13,1771
Bad weather and an amazing gale meant that it wasn`t till the morning of Carnival Monday 1 that we reached Venice, that same afternoon we managed to see H Wider who, together with his wife, accompanied us to the opera .
2 We lunched with him on Shrove Tuesday,
3 then went to the opera,
4 which began at 2 and finished at around 7 in the evening, after which we dined with him and by 11 or 12 o`clock German time
5 we were in St Mark`s Square in order to go to the Ridotto. We told each other that you`d probably be with H Hagenauer and would hardly imagine that we were talking about you in St Mark`s Square. We had the most appalling rain, but today, Ash Wednesday, we have the most beautiful weather. Praise be to God, we`re in good health. Who do you think we met in Brescia? – – We were on our way to the opera buffa
6 there when we encountered Sga Angeliga [sic] Maggiore, the prima donna, who`s married to a tenor who was also performing there. She was very surprised to see us. Tell H Spizeder that if he wants to see his former impresario Crosa, he can do so in Milan, where he goes about begging, wretchedly dressed and with a long beard. This is how God punishes cheats! You`ll have heard that Carattoli and Laschi have died. I`ve received your letter with the note from H von Vogt. Farewell, I must hurry. We kiss you 100000 times and I am
your old
Fried Apples-known as Frittele Di Mele are one of my favorite treats during this Holiday… Some make them in the form of a doughnut. I prefer the rustic ones that my grandmother used to make here….
Frittelle Di Mele (Fried Apples)
Excerpted from the Gourmand World Cookbook Award Winning Book The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays & Special Occasions-2nd edition)
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons of grappa
2 medium apples-peeled, cored and chopped into small cube size pieces
Juice of one orange
3/4 cup raisins, soaked in 1 cup warm milk (to soften)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
grated peel of 1 lemon or 1 orange
Peanut or sunflower seed oil for frying
Bathe raisins in warm milk, prepare apples and set aside. In bowl place eggs,vanilla, sugar, pinch of salt, orange juice, orange peel, grappa, blend together with wire whisk. Add in flour sifted with baking powder a little at a time. Blend together till smooth mix is formed, add in apples and soaked raisins (drained). Blend all together well. Heat oil in deep pan., Drop dough in small balls into hot oil, When golden brown, remove with slotted spoon, place on paper towel and let towel absorb excess oil before sprinkling with powdered sugar and serve.
Get more recipes from the Gourmand Award Winning Book The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays & Special Occasions-2nd edition here or in ebook version exclusively on Kindle.
Posted inCaro Diario. (Dear diary...) Holidays Italian Culture Italy La Dolce Vita (Dessert Recipes) Recipes