Hot Trends for Christmas Decorating

Gourmand World Award Winner

The Basic Art of Italian Cooking: Holidays and Special Occasions

copyright 2020, Art of Living, PrimaMedia,Inc

Editor:Teryn Hartline

What better way to finish the year, then with adding some different decorating trends of Christmas this year to your Holiday!

The way that people feel about Christmas can still be the same and decorating and filling your house with the Christmas spirit can make all the difference. It also might be a good thing to make a change in your decor and other Christmasy things. Maybe changing a few things here and there will help with your holiday cheer during this difficult time.


Though this Christmas is different in a lot of ways. Some trends stayed the same, but many trends of this year have changed too. Trends tend to reflect the year, and in today’s climate, the trends have changed. So I decided to compile a list of the top holiday trends this season and how you might be able to recreate them.

  1. Colors-

This year many people are forgoing the traditional Christmas red and green and going for different colors. Some of the newest and trendiest colors this year are Navy, White, Pinks, and Grays. Using a combination of two or three of those colors and changing your theme up. Those colors are definitely not your typical color choices for Christmas, but they look very pretty together. There is also a colorful trend. This is when people use all of the colors of the rainbow to decorate. Making the colors of your decor more vibrant and fun. Making your life feel more colorful. Many of the decorations for this year were made specifically for these reasons. There were many decorations designed to be colorful, bright, neutral, or even blue. That is because of the changes in holiday colors. Now don’t get me wrong many people still use the traditional Christmas colors, but many are changing over.

  1. Recycled Materials-

This has become another big trend of the year and in recent years. A lot of people are starting to be more eco-friendly, and that includes Christmas wrapping paper. Wrapping paper is not recyclable, and many people are starting to realize that. One of the biggest trends is to see materials that can be recycled or even reused for the following year. One of the ways to achieve this is by using fabric instead of paper. You could get something neutral and Christmas it up with bows (Reuse the bows next year) and ribbons. Another option to go eco-friendly this holiday season is to use cloth bags and reuse them over and over again. Get Cloth Christmas bags and put your items in there. This helps the environment but also keeps everything together under the tree. People have also been giving reusable products as Christmas presents. People have been gifting reusable straws, reusable bags, reusable coffee cups. Reusable materials have become such a huge trend, and I hope that this stuff will make a difference in our daily lives. This is probably one of the biggest trends this holiday season because of the increase in eco-friendly products and people changing their habits and making sure to be better for the environment.

  1. DIY Decor-

One of the newest trends that hit this year is to get crafty and make your Christmas decorations. DIY’s have been increasing in popularity throughout the years, but this year people are stepping it up and making Christmas decorations. Especially this year, people are trying to decorate extra special for the holidays but making sure to not break the bank. There are tons of simple DIY crafts that you can do at home for this holiday season. You can do it yourself or get the whole family involved and do a fun crafting day. For so many neat projects go over to Pinterest and simply look up “DIY Christmas projects.”

  1. Buffalo Check-

If you don’t live under a rock, then I’m sure you’ve seen this popular trend. Buffalo Check is definitely one of the biggest trends for this holiday season. Buffalo Check is the red and black checkered print that has taken over the Christmas decoration section. I own quite a few buffalo checkered pieces for my decorations. The trend, however, doesn’t even stop at Christmas decorations. I not only have decorations, I own a coat, phone case, and shoes that are also buffalo print. Buffalo check has made its way into many other aspects of people’s lives. Clothing is another big part of the buffalo check trend.

  1. White Trees –

White trees have been a big change to the Christmas decor this year and in many other past Christmases. Many people are forgoing their usually green tree for a white tree. This is because many people are trying to make their Christmas decorations more aesthetically pleasing. They want to make sure that they keep their decor neutral, so it matches their decor. I have a white tree with pink and gold balls on it, and I love it. I think it makes for a great accent in the room, and it definitely stands out. These trees are not hard to find either. Many of the artificial trees that many companies are selling are of different colors and especially white. It is becoming a very popular thing to have a white tree.

  1. Fun at Home-

One of the biggest trends that came out of 2020 was the idea of staying in during Christmas. Making sure that everyone is safe and spending Christmas at home, but people are making the most out of it. Making sure that if they can’t see their families, or can’t do their normal Christmas traditions, at least they can make their home and the activities they do fun. Some ideas to make the holidays fun and interesting while staying home is to shake things up. Maybe have a Christmas trivia night or game night, have a family Christmas card making party. Make decorations for the house or dance around the Christmas music. The idea is to have fun at home, but still stay in the holiday spirit.

  1. Holiday Baking-

I know that holiday baking has always been a huge deal for Christmas. People love to make Christmas cookies and have them throughout the whole holiday season. But this year it was because everyone was at home and couldn’t do anything, baking became a huge trend. People were stuck at home with nothing to do but perfect their Christmas cookie recipes. People also used Christmas cookie baking to get together as a family. I know my family loves to get together every Christmas to bake cookies and spend time together, and this year was no different. You may want to check out some Holiday recipes and stories in my book The Basic Art of Italian Cooking:Holidays and Special Occasions-2nd edition, it has become a Holiday classic around the world

Though the year 2020 will most likely go down in the books as the craziest year use some of these Christmas trends to brighten your holiday this year. Make cookies with your family. Change your decor, or have a fun crafting day with our family. All of these can help make for a very happy Holiday!

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